Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What is this blog even?

Good question. You probably haven't ever wondered that, but I wonder it a lot whilst thinking of my wonderful life as a blogger. (it is my life as of late)
This blog is a hodgepodge of everything that is me. In fact, it used to be titled mosaic speakeasy. Which, I really liked. I'm wondering now why I changed it, actually. Bummer.
OH WELL. Maybe I will take some time to change it back to that or something along those lines. ANYWAYYYYYYYYYYY back to the topic. Which is my lack of a "topic."

I just started on my new insulin pump and have an AMAZING new health team on my side, so there will probably be a lot more posts about my Diabetes.
Also, I have been really depleted in the faith department lately, partially because I only attend church during the Sunday school hour because I teach, and I don't attend services because the pastor... isn't my style.
It's hard to relate to him and I just don't get anything out of it. My church situation is kindof complicated. Maybe I'll save that for a whole separate post? So anyhow, I think I'll probably be posting more faith related things, as well. I'm also in the process of starting a YouTube channel for faith-based/sermon videos. It's only a matter of time!

Other than that, I love batman, interior design, funny things, cute things, food... stuff like that. So fear not, loyal readers!!! You will still have a fair share of random here.

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