Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I need to write a sermon. I need to get them going, somehow. It's something that fulfills me, even if I'm not "preaching" them in the traditional sense. I need to figure out a way to preach them, somehow, though. YouTube, something.
I know that part of the reason I have been in such a funk lately is because my heart hasn't been in my faith. It's there. I know it's there. My faith, I mean. I talk to God just as much as ever, but I don't talk to people about God. I don't spread the word like I should. I do in my actions, but I haven't talked about going to church, or invited anyone to a church service lately. Part of that has to do with the fact that even I don't go to the services at my church. I am angry and jaded... not to mention I feel no connection to the new pastor. But if I don't feel as though that church is my church-home anymore, it's on me to find another place that is.
I think I'm going to invest in a video editing software so that I can put my sermons online. I need to find my old sermons and I need to write some new ones.

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