Saturday, March 10, 2012


Thursday was the day :) My cousin Eric texted me about 9am saying they just induced his girlfriend, Crissy. I hurried to get ready, (which took a while because I had to do a site change, shower, etc. and I'm still on a bum ankle.) because everyone in her family had a labor of no more than a couple hours. I got to the hospital at 11, half expecting baby boy to already be there.
*side note: the lady who walked me to their room asked if it was my little sibling who was being born. "No... he's my cousin's little boy, but my cousin and I are very close." "Oh, I'm sorry. It's just, you're glowing. Usually the only people who I see glowing this much are the parents!!" She wasn't the first that had noticed how excited I was... apparently my face said it all... haha*
Anyway, he hadn't come yet, and when I walked in, Crissy was sitting up in bed, talking and laughing. I asked her if her contractions had started and she said yes, but they weren't bad at all. We watched Jerry Springer, then Steve Wilkos. (quality, right?)
They kept coming in to check on her because her contractions were already a minute apart at most, yet she wasn't in pain. Turns out, she's just a beast! She had a couple tough ones toward the end, but didn't get an epidural or anything, just a couple injections of Fentanyl. Eric and I made guesses as to the time little Austyn would make his appearance, his was 2:15 and mine was 2:45. They broke her water at about noon, and finally right after 5pm Crissy said very bluntly "I need to push. NOW." Sure enough, after being hustled out of the room, it wasn't long before the nurse came out and told myself and Eric's mom that we had a new baby in the family :)

It makes me SO PROUD to introduce you all to Mr. Austyn Lee. Weighing in at 7 lbs 2.5oz, and measuring 20 inches long :) Oh, and he has a full head of hair!! :) :)

At one point, my foot (the one in the huge boot) fell asleep so I went to walk a few laps. When I did, I saw members of my old boss' family. Turns out, she was there having her baby on the same day!! While my aunt and I were down at the nursery watching Eric give the baby his first bath, I got a text from Desiree's brother saying "He's here!!" They're about 40 minutes apart :) Her baby is SUPER cute, and a huge 9 lbs!! It was probably the best day of my life so far. I felt so honored to be a part of it. ALSO!!! I will be Austyn's nanny when Crissy has to go back to work in 6 weeks. :)
pardon all the smiley's... I've really been all smiles for the past 3 days!!

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