Thursday, February 23, 2012

"i think i just broke my ankle..."

NOTE: I've been on my Dexcom CGM for almost two weeks now, and I'm going to tell you all about it eventually. I'll wait about a month to give myself a bit of time to get used to it, so I can give a better review.

Now onto the update:
I broke my ankle on Tuesday night. Well. Wednesday morning at 5:40 to be exact. I was getting out of my friend Clinton's car and I'm not sure if my foot was asleep or what, but I stepped and my ankle just POPPED. Loudly. So loudly, in fact, that Clint heard it from the other side of his car. I was in shock and just said "DID YOU HEAR THAT?!" He was like "yeah.. what was it?" "my ankle. pretty sure I just broke it." His face was one of shock and almost disbelief haha but then I could tell he was super worried which made me sad. I don't like for anyone to worry about me.

He keeps telling me it was his fault and that he feels guilty... I don't know how it could possibly be his fault... but that's off topic. ANYWAY. So I drove home, somehow walked into the house and crawled up my stairs. By the time I got up the stairs I was in so much pain I threw up. I was shaking and got SUPER cold. After tossing and turning for 3 hours and getting NO sleep, I went into my moms room and told her she'd have to take me in. After possibly the most frustrating situation at Emergicare
ever, I found out my ankle is most definitely broken. They didn't cast it, just said don't put weight on it and wear a boot when you can. I go back tomorrow afternoon to check up on it. I'm praying they'll cast it for A LOT of reasons.
I broke my foot over the summer, in three places, and it healed wrong. I now have nerve damage in that foot and it's one of the first places my arthritis attacks when it flares. Pratially, that's my fault because I didn't even go get an x-ray until after I'd walked on it for 8 weeks and rebroken it who knows how many times. Either way, they didn't cast it and now I'll have to suffer the consequences the rest of my life. I'm TERRIFIED the ankle will be the same story.

I have to watch my temperature to make sure everything is normal and stays normal. I'm prone to blood infections, and they tend to attack weak points... like a broken bone.

I'm not sure why my bones are starting to break so easily. A doctor I used to see said it could be a condition caused by Diabetes, but she made it sound like it was more nerve damage than anything else... and my new (GOOD) Diabetes doctor says my nerves are in pretty good shape considering all I've been through. SOOOO who even knows.

Anyway, I'm cooped up on the couch, and I have a million ideas for blog posts, but the pain pills I am taking (no thanks to Emergicare. "we can give you ibuprofen 800" ) make me kindof spinny and unable to concentrate. If only they worked that well on my pain.

Feeling quite left out, Arthur (my rheumatoid arthritis) decided he'd like to flare up in my lower spine and my right hip and knee. The pain pills make my Gastroparesis angry as well, so I've really not been eating anything. And my bloodsugars are way out of whack because they like to do that when my pain and inflammation rises. Basically, it's a party over hurrrr.

The upsides? My cousin Kelsey lets me use her Hulu Plus account, and my friend Jamie lets me use her Netflix account. My couch isn't horribly uncomfortable so it's not completely miserable being stuck on the main floor of the house. And most of all, Clinton's account of the happenings Wednesday early morning:
She was crossing the road to get to the car and this GIANT dragon swooped down after her. Luckily I saw it coming and sprinted into the street and tackled her narrowly escaping the dragons reach. She broke it on the fall. Broken leg? Or eaten by dragon? Id say she's pretty lucky to be alive! Lol

Well, the screen is spinning a bit, so I think I'll try to watch a show or a movie or something. If that doesn't work, I'll probably just put on some Sinatra pandora and close my eyes for a bit.

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